Anna Novakis

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22 thoughts on “Anna Novakis

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  1. This story always makes me feel good because it’s about how you came over ED. You have come so far 🙂


  2. This story shows how great and strong person you are. You overcame some much, and it so wonderful to hear.


  3. This is a very inspiring story about overcoming an intense hardship and struggle. I am glad to hear a story about strength and recovery and the willingness to help others too.


  4. Your story was really personal and inspiring. I love your I believe statement and I am so glad you have been able to overcome this!


  5. Eating disorders are the most internal struggles you can deal with since people usually just think it will go away if you “eat more.” Thank you for sharing your story as it could not have been easy.


  6. You were really brave to share this story. I’m sorry you went through what you did and am glad you are doing better now.


  7. I really appreciate you sharing such a personal story. I love the way you ended your podcast with all the things you are doing in your life now.


  8. Wow this was such a heartfelt story. Thank you for sharing such a personal story, and I am so glad we were able to hear this.


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