Lauren Singles

22 thoughts on “Lauren Singles

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  1. This was a really relatable story. Also I love the Office. I like how this is a story about how something so commonplace impacted you in a big way. I think you’re so pretty btw


  2. I agree that comedy can be used as a coping mechanism, something a step above an escape. Also, my favorite person who was on SNL has to be Norm Macdonald, very underrated.


  3. I never really watched cable that had those cool cartoons because my house didn’t have it. I only knew the cool shows because of my best friend who lives in my neighborhood. We bonded even closer because of the shows we watched. Once Upon a Time, Powerpuff Girls, etc. all from her tv.


  4. Lauren’s story emphasizes how having an escape, an alternate world to run to when one is feeling hopeless, angry, or upset, enables that person to rise above the criticism and condescending nature of others. Similar to the way in which Lauren finds her escape through television, I find my escape through dance, exercise, and music, which allows me to gain a new sense of confidence and pride regardless of what other people think of me.


  5. I loved this story and I think it is so cool that you have landmarked times of your life with sitcoms. It shows how something so normal and seemingly meaningless can have a huge impact.


  6. Humor is often overlooked when we are feeling depressed, but it can really be more impactful than we know. This story was really touching.


  7. I like your incorporation with humor in your life. Turning to the humor of sad situations can make the feelings much better and I enjoy your tactics you use that have shaped your personality


  8. I like how you found your sanctuary in sitcoms and how you are able to overcome your mental obstacles through comedy. I also like how you are not afraid to show your sentimental value for comedy.


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