Megan Liddy

22 thoughts on “Megan Liddy

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  1. I can definitely relate to this. Whenever I am walking in the dark, I am terrified. Despite the fact we live in suburbia, I still feel my heart racing whenever I walk in the dark. I definitely agree that when I am in cities or public areas, I am far more alert to the people around me.


  2. Megan’s story shows how the act of being aware of the situations, people, and objects around you is extremely important, especially in this new, modern society. Personally, I agree with Megan that for both men and women, it is crucial that they make safe choices about walking alone, going to certain, more dangerous places, and making decisions that may not be wise or logical.


  3. When you talked about women also being a minority and how you don’t believe equality in men and female exist yet while hearing about your reasoning and personal experience made me more aware.


  4. I’m really glad you expressed your thoughts about this issue, I’m sure a lot of girls and women including myself can relate to this. It’s horrible how you were just 8 at the time and this traumatized you but it really shows how we have a long way to go.


  5. I agree with you, the hyper-sexualization of young girls is disturbing, and a lot has to be done in teaching young boys the proper way to behave and treat girls. We have a long way to go, for sure, but I think it can be done sooner rather than later.


  6. It is the sad truth that women are less built than most men. Because of this, it is reasonable for some women to be scared of men


  7. I was inspired by your personal story. I appreciated how you shared something that was not a good experience but how you personalized it to help others.


  8. This story is scary and disturbing but true. I agree that our society has a long way to go before we treat everyone equally.


  9. I can definitely relate to this and it is a great truth to share in a story. There will still be a long time before women are completely equal to men.


  10. Equality is an important aspect in one’s life, and I like how the ways you experience it make you a better person for it.


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