Gwen Clark

22 thoughts on “Gwen Clark

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  1. I too have traveled to places where I had expected it to be extremely boring but ended up loving the trip and being pleasantly surprised.


  2. I love how by giving it a chance, you learned to appreciate things that may not seem exciting but can be if you take the time to look.


  3. I love how your story is taking a bad thing and changing it into something good. I also really can relate to this situation because I had a similar one when I went to Maine


  4. I enjoyed the personal development the speaker experienced over the course of the story. I liked the fact that she encouraged others to attempt a similar thing, that is very possible.


  5. You really convinced me to visit these natural parks, I also love nature, and may go to the University of Utah, who would’ve thought…


  6. Despite being unenthusiastic at first, it was good to see that you learned something and got something valuable out of the trip.


  7. I thought this was a very unique approach and you used your story to share your I believe statement very well.


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