Neeraj Shenoy

20 thoughts on “Neeraj Shenoy

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  1. Great Podcast! I loved yours and was really interested in it the whole entire time. It was awesome how you were a personal translator in Peru!


  2. I think it is really cool that you have been so many interesting places. Peru also seems really cool and I’m going there over spring break. Also being able to speak another language is a very useful tool.


  3. Your podcast was really interesting. All of the descriptions you shared of the places you saw made it very entertaining.


  4. What an adventure! I agree that it is an amazing experience to be able to adventure around the world. This was an eye-opening podcast, and I’m looking forward to next week’s edition!


  5. Your trip to PerĂº sounds like it had a great impact on you. I’m glad that the Peruvians you met were so willing to help you out. I would love to go to PerĂº one day.


  6. Neeraj’s story was really funny and descriptive of his travels. It’s also really cool how he is bilingual and was able to use this to help find his Dads wallet.


  7. Interesting how helping out a squad could be so insightful about meeting new people and seeing new places.


  8. While I’ve never been to Peru, I relate to having the experience of going on a trip and going on adventures that change your life.


  9. Your diction was perfect for the podcast. There was plenty detail, and I followed the story very easily. Very interesting experience in Peru!


  10. Your podcast was very interesting to me because it took place in Peru. I also found it to be a cool story showing how people can still communicate even if they speak different languages.


  11. Snazzy music. Anyways, I agree there’s always more of the world to explore. There’s so much we can learn about each other and having the opportunity to understand any person’s life is a feat in itself.


  12. I thought that the podcast was really interesting and that it really just seemed like an overall interesting experience, one that not many people can say that they’ve had.


  13. This was very interesting! It is exciting that you had the opportunity to use your Spanish outside of the classroom.


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